Donna Dunn

Stay tuned for more on Donna, our Book Club Editor.

so much to read, so little time

welcome to the book club page!!! i hope this finds your bedside table, kitchen table and the back of your toilet piled high with books and magazines. so what are you reading this summer? i have been 'browsing' through a couple of statistics and research textbooks! not exactly beach reading. i am almost finished with 'the shack.' all but done with 'pillars of the earth' by ken follet. i am reading through the book of numbers in the old testament, but trying to follow along in a commentary or two keeps my pace rather slow.
i also have been reading the july issue of vanity fair which has articles on bill clinton, baseball in cuba and a history of the internet (very interesting!)

i have always been a reader and my very favorite job was as a media escort in washington dc. i drove authors to their appointments and basically made sure they had what they needed while on tour in the district.

as soon as i figure out more of this site, i'll publish some best seller lists.

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